Daily Positive Declarations

It’s time to think more positively , thus saith the lord . Cast down every negative thought , in the mighty name of Jesus . 

This is something that God has had me, focus on very heavily lately . It is important now more than ever that we begin to think , feel , & behave more positively . We also need to focus on the renewing of our minds as well !

Many people in the body of Christ , do not take the time to ask The Holy Spirit to renew their minds. Which can lead to overthinking , mental breakdowns , negative thoughts , and so much more things ,that are not pleasing to the eye sight of God .

The Romans 12:2: says -  "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Renewing our minds leads to a transformation that aligns our thoughts with God's will.

Allowing yourselves to become more positive through your thoughts will begin to shift -not only your mindset , but your overall well being. You will begin to align more with the holy spirit as well , because you’ll begin inviting him in more  . This page will focus on positive declarations, that I’m partnering with the holy spirit to write for you all . So , that you can get in a better head space with Jesus , and send the devil packing . 

The devil has no room in your minds nor does he belong in your spirit ; And if you are a follower of mine , you know I believe in having a positive mindset , and keeping the faith/trust in our father . I believe that serving God can truly change your life , if you allow him to come in and work on you . And even more so if you do the work as well !!!

 I will update these as the Holy Spirit leads me to do so -in the mighty name of Jesus , amen .

God bless you all & thanks for rocking with me .

Xoxo , Lina 💋

Before we get started let us pray 🙏🏾 

Father God, in the mighty name of Jesus .  I come before you , as the overseer of this website that you have blessed me to have. Standing in the gap for every person who is having a hard time with negative thinking , mental fog , confusion of the mind , and mental battles sent in by the enemy . I bind up all mental attacks that the enemy is sending to your children , and I command them to be broken and casted into the abyss in the mighty name of Jesus. Satan ,  I command that you take your hands , as well as your negative thoughts off and out the minds of the children of the lord . I decree and declare , that after reading this prayer the Holy Ghost  will begin to take over this person in the mighty name of Jesus. I decree and declare that you God will spring fourth , peace and stillness over this person father . Encamp your angels around this person wherever they are reading this prayer ! Deliver them oh God out of the hands of the enemy , and set them free from the shackles and torment from the evil one oh God . Holy Spirit I ask that a fresh wind of anointing comes over them . I ask that you release a wave of positive thinking , on and over them ,  in the mighty name of Jesus . Amen. 

11/08/2024 On this day you will say :

Devil you have no dominion over my mind , my body , or my soul . I belong to the lord thy God above , not you . I will remain positive , and continue to trust God always . Your access to me has been denied , and shut down by Jesus Christ of Nazareth . My mind is free and clear of all negative thinking , and replaced with prayer , scripture , and praise  because of the sovereign God that I serve . My God will always protect me against every strong enemy , according to Psalms 18:17 . My father whom art in heaven is the ruler of my life , and he is in control of me . I cast down every thought that is not of God , and I send it back to the kingdom of darkness never to return to my mind . Every time you try to return Satan  , I will use the word of the lord , and remind myself that God is stronger than any devil who is trying to come up against me . In the mighty name of Jesus , my mind is free and clear of negative thoughts and thinking. In Jesus name , amen . 

Have a blessed day , Xoxo Lina 💋

On this day you will say : 

According , to Psalm 118-24 - This is the day that the lord has made , I will rejoice and be glad in it . I’am blessed and highly favored by the most high sovereign God above . I’am covered under his protection , precious blood , and loved by him like no other . He is the author & finisher of my faith , my healer , my lawyer , my doctor , my best friend & more . I decree and declare that I will have a positive day , as the Holy Spirit encamps his angels around me . I decree and declare that on this morning , no weapon formed against me shall prosper , because the lord is my overseer and my guide . I decree and declare that today , will be a blessed positive happy and peaceful day in the mighty name of Jesus amen.

Pray & Read - Psalms 121 - I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. 

Have a blessed day , Xoxo Lina 💋